Believe it or not 2018 is just a few days away. Several years ago we thought 2020 was reserved for science-fiction movies. But now it is only 2 years away. Our moment is now! This is our time!
Starting with the first Sunday of January we will put our Gospel of Mark sermon series on pause. From January 7 to February 11 we will be preaching a series called "Owning Our Moment." As a follow up to our 60th anniversary celebration, where we affirmed the generous investment of those who came before us, we want to now own our moment. We want to receive the baton, running our leg of the race. We want to own the gospel, own the mission and manage the resources with which God has entrusted us.
As the year 2018 begins we will invite everyone in our congregation to consider our regular and generous giving through the CBC budget which supports local and global ministries. Beyond our regular support of the church budget, which we call the tithe and which is continuous, we will ask individuals and families to consider special above-and-beyond sacrificial giving toward two causes, which are short-term:
- A capital campaign to remodel the Student Ministry area (more information about this forthcoming); and/or
- Sponsoring a child through Food for the Hungry in the Philippines (FVR, Bulacán)
While we believe that systematic, proportionate and continuous support of God's work through the church is expected of every believer (Malachi 3:10; Matthew 23:23), we understand that above-and-beyond giving is a free-will offering, for a short-term, where each person needs to be led by God as to where and how much to give (Exodus 35:29; Psalm 54:6; 2 Corinthians 9:7). The former simply requires faithful obedience. The second requires prayerful discernment.
Please pray for yourself, your family and your group that we may all discover the grace, the joy and the blessing of generous giving and that God's mission advances as we invest of ourselves in it.
Below you can view, click on and download documents that present CBC's 2018 budget so you can see how the congregation has voted to utilize the gifts that come from you and what is required to do what God has called us to do:
2018 Budget Narrative
2018 Ministry Budget
Below you can view, click on and download documents that present CBC's 2018 budget so you can see how the congregation has voted to utilize the gifts that come from you and what is required to do what God has called us to do:
2018 Budget Narrative
2018 Ministry Budget