Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Anuncio Urgente en Cuanto a Actividades de Hoy

(Este anuncio ha sido actualizado para reflejar información para este domingo.  Originalmente el anuncio hacia referencia a actividades del miércoles).

Estimada Familia Calvary,

     Lamentamos informarles que la unidad de aire acondicionado para el edificio de niños se ha descompuesto.

     Nuestro equipo está trabajando arduamente para asegurarse que se componga a la mayor brevedad posible.  Sin embargo, es una reparación bastante grande que se llevará varios días.  Por lo tanto tendremos que hacer algunos ajustes a las actividades de este próximo domingo, 21 de febrero, 2018.

¿Qué se cancela este domingo?

     Ya que no tenemos suficientes salones con aire acondicionado en nuestro plantel este domingo los Grupos de Conexión de adultos no se reunirán y tampoco habrá clases para niños escolares (1o a 6o grado).

¿Qué sí sucederá este domingo?

     Tendremos los tres servicios de adoración, incluyendo el servicio en español.  Se proveerá enseñanza para preescolares desde cuna hasta Kinder en el edificio Slayton durante todo el servicio.  Los niños de 1o y 2o grado saldrán a la hora de la predicación y tendrán su tiempo en el segundo piso del edificio Slayton.

     Pedimos disculpas por la incomodidad.  Esperamos que sea un día lleno de bendición y la presencia del Dios.  Lo mantendremos informado al irse desarrollando la información.

Time-Sensitive Announcement about this Weekend's Activities

(This post has been updated to reflect information regarding this coming Sunday's activities.  Originally it referred to Wednesday's activities)
Dear CBC Family and Friends,

     We regret to inform you that the chiller plant in the Children’s Building is out of commission.  The chiller plant is what provides cooling and heat to all our children's classrooms, offices, kitchen and multi-purpose room.

      Our staff is working very hard to ensure we can get it up and running as soon as possible.  However, since this is a major repair, we are needing to make special adjustments for this Sunday (February 25, 2018), as we did this past Wednesday also.

What is being canceled?

     Because we will not have enough Air-Conditioned classrooms on our campus for this Sunday, we will not be able to have ABFs (Adult Bible Fellowships) or CBF's (Children Bible Fellowships) meet on campus.

What is still going on this Sunday?

     We will still have our three worship services.  We will provide preschool care and teaching up to Kindergarten-age in the Slayton building.  SBFs (Student Bible Fellowships) will meet according to the One Weekend schedule and format.  The Truth-Seekers and the Fidelis ABFs may still meet in the Parlor at their respective hours.

     Although some ABFs may not be able to do so, this weekend could be a good opportunity to meet in a home at a different time than Sunday morning and to include children in the experience.

     We apologize for the inconvenience but we expect it to be a day and evening filled with God’s presence and blessing!  We will keep you informed as changes develop.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Meet the Leader of a Global Movement


     This is a personal invitation to you as a key CBC leader to meet Ying Kai.  On Sunday, February 25th we will meet in the church parlor from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.  Childcare will be provided and there will be light refreshments.  Contact Denisse Ibarra to reserve your spot.


     For seven years we have been praying and thinking about Calvary's future in relationship with the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.  Two primary components have been essential in the development of that vision: (1) making authentic disciples, and (2) multiplying groups/congregations.

     We want more than just church growth.  We want more than adding members and groups to CBC.  We want to start groups that multiply.  We want Calvary to reproduce disciples and congregations throughout the RGV and in other parts of the world.  For that to become a reality we need to depend on the power of God as we obey Him.  Furthermore, this calls for a movement among our lay people and lay leaders.  That is why you are key to this vision and strategy.  We also need to learn from those who have done this successfully.  That is why we are having this event.


      We believe this year is a year of launching and putting in place big pieces of the strategy for the vision.  We sense that this is God's timing and that He has brought people, tools and opportunities together for His purposes. 


     Ying and Grace Kai are at the core of what has become a global movement.  In 2001 in partnership with then IMB (International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention) missionary Steve Smith, the Kai's began to train new believers to be obedient to Jesus' commands and immediately begin sharing them with others.  They innovated new tools based on observations from the ministries of Jesus and Paul, and implemented them on a large scale.  They started what has become known as Training for Trainers or T4T, which produced a book by the same name.  That movement saw over 1.7 million new baptisms and over 100,000 house churches planted in China.  Their story has inspired and equipped thousands of missionaries and help to empower over 650 different Church Planting Movements (CPM) around the world today.  This represents the biggest Church Planting Movement in the world the 21st century, if not also for the 20th.  Ying & Grace live in Austin, Texas and serve the global church by traveling and training trainers everywhere they can. 

     We want our CBC leaders to be inspired by Ying Kai's story as we continue to pray and seek to learn and adapt strategies for our own context.  I hope you will make the time to come, hear Ying Kai's heart, and be encouraged as follow God into the future.