Last Sunday we had the privilege of recognizing Rosie Wilkinson in our worship services for more than five years of service as our WIT coordinator. Rosie accepted this role in the summer of 2015 and served whole-heartedly through the end of 2020.
Under her leadership the women's ministry at Calvary continued to thrive providing fellowship, discipleship, service, outreach and missions support for hundreds of women of various ages at Calvary and beyond. We are so thankful for Rosie's leadership, enthusiasm, commitment to excellence, generosity, and servant spirit.
Through banquets, Bible studies, Feature luncheons, Big Hats and High Teas, Precious Pearls and Pies, conferences and fund-raising projects for the student ministry and for local missions causes, women were inspired, families were encouraged, disciples were edified and God was glorified.
Rosie and Ray plan to continue to be a part of Calvary McAllen. They are not going away but simply transitioning service roles. As Rosie steps down from this role and follows the Lord in this next season of her ministry, we are praying for the next person to lead this important ministry. I ask you to join me in praying for Rosie, for Calvary's WIT ministry, and for the person who will lead WIT this year.
If you have any suggestions of any kind regarding the WIT ministry, please do not hesitate to email me at