As we come to the end of this very interesting year 2020, I have a couple of updates for you. In the video above I share with you about the election of the executive pastor search committee, staff updates, the opportunity for year-end giving and the upcoming special January 3 Prayer Sunday.
Executive Pastor Search Committee
We thank all those of you who submitted names for this committee and who participated in the voting. Here is a summary report of the secret ballot election:
- Ballots submitted: 131 electronic + 45 hard copy = 176 total (1 invalidated ballot)
- Five individuals with the most votes: Sylvia Riddle, Laura Heflin, Tracy Hughes, Gene Vaughan and O.E. Brand (this is now our executive pastor search committee)
- Executive Pastor job description and compensation: approved by 86% vote,
- In favor: 126 electronic ballots + 25 hard copy ballots = 151
- Against: 3 electronic ballots + 17 hard copy ballots = 20
- Did not mark box for or against: 2 electronic ballots + 2 hard copy ballots = 4
The search committee has met and elected a chairperson: Sylvia Riddle. Please keep the search committee at the top of your prayer list as they carry out this important work in behalf of our congregation. Read more about this position in my previous blog post from November 24: Executive Pastor Search.
Staff Updates
In addition to the Executive Pastor search we have two other staff vacancies: Student Pastor and Spanish Language Ministry Associate. These vacancies will not be filled until after Calvary calls an Executive Pastor. However, we are very thankful for those who are currently serving as interims. Eli Garza is our interim student ministry associate (part-time). Frank San Martin is our interim college and young adults associate (part-time). Julio Varela is our interim Spanish language ministry associate. Dr. Varela, who has served on a part-time basis during 2020 will become full-time in January 2021. Please pray for each of these and for God's direction in the future of these important ministries.
Year-End Giving
We are so thankful for the generosity of God's people during this very difficult year. Thanks to this generosity we were able to carry our ministry and meet needs of people in McAllen, in the RGV and in other parts of the world.
As of December 20, our church had given $1,473,653 during an extremely difficult year. People have given in person, online and via U.S. mail. We praise God for this provision. Even so at that point we were $173,745 short of our 2020 budget. Thankfully we were able to operate in the black during the year by cutting some expenses and because of some staff vacancies. God through your generosity allowed us to do the basic ministries and to meet all our obligations.
There is still an opportunity to do year-end giving through Thursday, December 31. Year-end gifts will allow us to take care of our December needs. Anything beyond that will go to unmet needs and will allow us to be in a better position for 2021. For your donation to be counted as a 2020 contribution it must be given by Thursday, December 31 in person or online or by mail postmarked no later than December 31.
The church office will be open this week Monday through Thursday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. You can also give online here: Calvary E-Giving.
January 3 Prayer Sunday
We have set aside the first Sunday of the year for prayer. During our Sunday morning services we will be singing and praying. We will worship God, thank Him for his blessings, confess our sins, and ask him on behalf of our nation, pray for healing during this pandemic, and pray for our church and its ministry in 2021.
Join our Sunday morning service ready to pray with us!
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