We are happy to announce that the Calvary-elected Spanish-Language-Discipleship-Pastor search committee is recommending Dr. Julio Varela for this important role in our church's pastoral team. June 5 will be the "In-view-of-a-call" Sunday. Bro. Varela will preach in all three services and Calvary members* will cast their vote after the service which they attend.
The search committee, which was elected on May 2, 2021, consists of Leo (Polo) Leal, chair; Eder Ibarra; Jose Luis Jimenez; Faby Haro-Gama; and Reyna Cuellar. For the last twelve months they met numerous times to pray, consider the profile of the pastor that best fits the Spanish Language Ministry at Calvary for this next season, receive resumes, and interview prospects. While there were some promising prospects, the committee felt led to wait, and most recently re-opened the requests for more resumes. It was in this last opening that Dr. Julio Varela's resume was submitted. It did not take long after that for the committee to decide he is the best candidate for the position.
Julio Varela has served as the Interim Associate for Spanish Language Ministry since January of 2020. Coming in at the very beginning of the pandemic he has served Calvary diligently and wholeheartedly, especially our Spanish Language congregation, during a very difficult time. Initially Bro. Varela served on a part-time basis, eventually he also served on a full-time basis, and in June of 2021 he went back to part-time upon taking the role of Vice-President for Academic Affairs at the Rio Grande Bible College in Edinburg. For the last twelve months he has served RGBC at a full-time level and Calvary at a part-time level.
If the church votes affirmatively to call him on June 5, he would join the Calvary pastoral team at a full-time level and would continue to have part-time engagement at RGBC. As we have observed his work ethic for the last two years we know that he will always go above and beyond expectations.
We believe that Brother Varela possesses the experience, gifting, skills, education, and spiritual health to shepherd our Spanish Language congregation along with the Lead Pastor and the rest of the pastoral team. He loves the Lord. He loves Calvary. And he is committed to leading the Spanish Language Ministry to make disciple-makers for the glory of God among the nations. He and his wife, Alma, have been active Calvary members since 2015 and we are very thankful for them.
You may download Dr. Varela's resume in PDF by clicking on the link or you may view it below:
*A member is someone who has officially joined the church by either believer's baptism or by transference (letter or statement)
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