J. David Chan is coming in view of a call for the Executive Pastor position on March 28. He will preach in all three services. Members will have the opportunity to vote by secret ballot after each service or by electronic ballot. (The electronic ballot is not currently accepting votes but will open at an appropriate time closer to the March 26 weekend).
The search committee for Executive Pastor that the church elected last December has been praying, meeting, reviewing resumes, interviewing, and are now ready to recommend a candidate to the church for voting. The committee, composed of Sylvia Riddle, chair; Laura Heflin, Tracy Hughes, Gene Vaughan and Othal Brand, Jr., unanimously recommends J. David Chan for Executive Pastor of Calvary McAllen.
The Chan's are no strangers to the RGV or to Calvary McAllen. David served as BSM director for UTPA from 2000 to 2004, at which time he became Calvary's mission pastor (2004-2010). Subsequently the Chan's served as missionaries to the Republic of Georgia while Calvary continued to support them financially, in prayer and by sending teams. You may view a brief ministry resume here.
In his cover letter to the search committee, David wrote the following:
My family and I remember our time at Calvary with fondness and gratitude as we continue to have meaningful relationships with many established during that time. One of the ways my journey has developed since my departure in 2010 is that while Missions was my primary message for the church, it was not my only area of interest in the church. God has continued to deepen in me a love for His Church and all aspects of it, giving me the opportunity to serve local congregations in different capacities. Over the past 10 years I have preached more frequently, learned to pastor people, been given responsibility over more staff , stewarded larger budgets, worked with multiple committees, instituted new necessary policies, and helped shape vision for congregations in Kansas and internationally, in the Republic of Georgia. All of these experiences lead me to believe I may be effective in an Executive Pastor role such as this one, and I would be honored to return to Calvary to serve together again.
We are thankful for the work of the search committee, for the availability of David Chan and his family, and for the congregation's prayers. We continue to pray for God's direction and for his will to be done. We are excited about the future he has designed for Calvary McAllen.
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