We are launching nominations for two pastoral staff search committees this weekend. Nominations will cease Tuesday, April 27.
Resurrection Sunday 2021 has marked an exciting new season in the life our church. Worship attendance is increasing, people are getting baptized, new comers are joining, we sent a small team on an international mission trip, and some other ministries are resuming. We are gearing up for the summer, including student and children camps and preparing to do a full Calvary relaunch in the fall! God has been so good to us!
We are so thankful that we have filled one of the three pastoral staff vacancies that we had in 2020. Calvary called J. David Chan to be our Executive Pastor. Two vacancies remain without a pastor called by the congregation: Pastor for Spanish Language Discipleship and Pastor for Student Discipleship.
Pastor for Spanish Language Discipleship
The Pastor for Spanish Language Discipleship position has been vacant for almost two years. However, for the last fifteen months, Julio Varela has been serving in this role as an interim. We are so thankful for the excellent work he has done in this area. This is a full-time position. It is time to fill this position by a congregational call. Our bylaws stipulate that the church needs to elect a search committee that will consider candidates for the position and then recommend the best candidate to the church for a vote. Of course, Bro. Varela may choose to be considered as a candidate.
Pastor for Student Discipleship
The Pastor for Student Discipleship position has been vacant for less than a year. It is also a full-time position that is currently filled by two part-time interims. Eli Garza serves as the Middle- and High School Associate and Frank San Martin serves as the Young Adults Associate. Eli and Frank have done outstanding ministry during this time. It is also time to fill this position on a permanent manner. Only one person will be recommended to and called by the church to fill in this pastoral role. Likewise, Eli Garza (and Frank San Martin) may choose to be considered as a candidate.
You can view the progression of our pastoral staff team organization from January 2020 to April 2021 in this slide presentation. Slide 5 below shows a quick overview:
Search and Call Process
The process of selecting a candidate and calling him/her by congregational vote is outlined as follows (see also the section in our bylaws that pertains to this, especially page 8):
- Nomination: Congregation nominates members for the search committees. In this case there will be two search committees, one for each position.
- Committee election: After nominations have been received and their eligibility verified the church will elect five people out of the nominees with a minimum of two men and two women by secret ballot. We hope to this at our Church in Conference on May 2.
- Search by the committee: After the committee is elected they meet to pray and plan the search for the best candidate for each of the positions. Once they have a candidate they will present him/her to the church for a vote.
- Congregational vote. Once the committee presents a candidate the church will vote by secret ballot. When a candidate receives seventy-five percent (75%) affirmative vote of those members voting he/she is extended a call.
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